Friday, March 5, 2021

Thank You To 1,000 Fans

I just wanted to say thank you to all of our followers!! The likes, the comments, and the support we have received on social media over the years has been amazing and overwhelming at times.

 I have always said if we were a restaurant, a bar, a beauty salon, or anything car related we would have hit 1k likes our first year in. I get it sealing driveways isn’t for everyone and it’s not all that exciting. I could post 100 memes a month and talk about content not asphalt related, or do some controversial current topics to boost our numbers, but I’d rather not. 

 This page will always remain a place to come for sound asphalt maintenance advice and a visual representation of what “doing it right” looks like. We will always be here to help answer any questions or concerns you may have. Our main goal is to help you save money by preserving your asphalt. We are grateful for all of you who have allowed us to be your asphalt maintenance contractor throughout the years. 

 If any of you who are previous customers would care to leave us a review that would be extremely helpful. What many people don’t understand or realize in our industry is that a positive review let’s the public know “this is a safe company to do business with”. I can’t tell you how many times we go back and fix driveways every year for people who were taken advantage of. People who unfortunately hired the wrong contractor and are now worse off then where they started. Your positive review may just be the deciding factor that helps protect a neighbor or friend. 

 So, from all of us at Prestige we say thank you! Thank you for trusting us to be your asphalt maintenance contractor and thank you for making us a household name throughout the entire Capital Region.